Are you ghosting your goals? 👻

Reader, if you could accomplish one thing by the end of October, what would it be?

  • Start selling your custom pet accessories on Etsy—who doesn't smile at a chihuahua in a muscle tee?

  • Craft a compelling resume and develop a strategic networking plan to secure an interview combining your two passions, marketing and women-owned companies.

  • Ditch the snooze button and become the sunrise runner you’ve always envied.

  • Enroll in that Human Design certification program—because as a Manifesting Generator, you're built to master multiple passions and thrive in your purpose!

  • Build a new community of friends in this stage, whether it's through pickleball, silent discos or drought friendly gardening.

What's stopping you?

If you're like many people, it's squirrel syndrome! 🐿️

(Ok, I made that up! But, you're not alone if you're constantly collecting information and tools but waiting until the perfect time, or feeling discouraged by inevitable roadblocks!)

With this coaching package, you'll have a clear plan for staying focused, even when distractions like pantry reorganization call your name.

Instead of stockpiling knowledge or dreaming up more ideas, the key to success (personally or professionally) is to create a routine and stick to it!

That’s why I created October’s special offer:

"Goalbusters: No More Ghosting Your Dreams!"

Stop the excuses and start taking action in a supportive environment.

Here’s what’s included:

  • Two 1:1 Coaching Sessions Where we’ll tackle your biggest challenges head-on and create clear action steps, so when you're feeling stuck or discouraged, you'll know exactly what to do next.
    (60 minutes each, biweekly in October)

  • Follow-Up Notes
    Key takeaways from our sessions, delivered to your inbox so when you try to recall your action steps or the "aha" moment from the last session, it's all at your fingertips.

  • Voxer (or Email) Accountability Support
    Whether you thrive on daily motivation or prefer more spaced-out updates, I’ll be there to keep you accountable and on track when perfectionism tries to halt your progress!

  • Bonus 🍬
    30-minute strategy session to jumpstart your momentum. We’ll lay the groundwork to ensure you hit the ground running from day one or use it in November to plan your next steps!

Investment: $300 (Value: $690)

Count down to 2024-09-28T05:59:00.000Z

To your continued happiness,


Does this sound perfect for your friend? Feel free to forward this email.

PS-Over the next three days, I’ll share more details. If this isn’t the right time for you, feel free to opt out by clicking here. You’ll still receive the regular Tuesday newsletters!

Real Results from Real People

"When we first started working together, I wasn't sure what my end goal was. I just knew I felt blah and ready to make a change. It was amazing that by the end of our call, I not only had a vision, but also first steps to take."


As a performance and personal development coach, I help professionals and individuals who are motivated but muddled bridge the gap between intention and action, creating lasting change tailored to their unique goals and pace.

Jenine Camins

2443 S University Boulevard, Suite #154, Denver, CO 80210-5407
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UQ Mindfulness Life Coaching

Ready to take your career or personal development to the next stage? Change is inevitable, but it doesn't have to be daunting. For those seeking to become the best version of themselves, I offer guidance and support. Join my weekly newsletter, "Beyond the Block," to explore strategies for navigating change and achieving greater fulfillment and confidence.

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