The scariest question....😱 "What if it doesn't work?"

Reader, we often stop ourselves from taking action, because why would this time be different?

What if it doesn't work?

Well, what if it does?

Maybe you've had a coach before and it didn't live up to your expectations.

Or, you've heard everyone talking about coaching for the past eight years, but still don't really know what goes on in a coaching session and feel like it's too late to ask.

Here are few testimonials that share a power trifecta of coaching with me; a safe non-judgmental space, accountability and the personalized plan to take action!

“Jenine is like your best friend who truly cares about your well-being and future.

She uses her compassionate personality and experience to dig into what is actually going on and helps you come up with solutions on your own with her guidance.

It was amazing. Even after working with other coaches, she was able to uncover new insights to help me get over some professional blocks and clear my head of negative thoughts that were preventing me from moving forward.

I am on a new positive growth train because of Jenine and her special gifts.”

– Dave Gannon (Small But Mighty Social Media)

Update... Since working together, Dave has stayed on track, even when the daunting task of course creation felt overwhelming. Now, he's gearing up to launch his course for small business owners, where he'll share over 12 years of experience in digital marketing, social media strategy, graphic design, and web design!

Go, Dave! 👏

"You have a real superpower of uncovering someone’s inner spark and motivating them to take action, big or small. It’s so easy to get “stuck” in the day to day routine of life and you’ve really helped me incorporate changes and next steps that bring more joy, purpose, and fulfillment into my every day."


Fast forward to now ... Tracy wasn’t looking to dive back into the pre-kids corporate hustle, but she still craved a fresh challenge.

She’s been fully committed to learning Spanish—more than just mastering a new language, it's become a mental workout and a way to test her resilience. Plus, she’s setting a valuable example for her daughters as a lifelong learner.

¡Adelante, Tracy!

"I know that you are fully invested in me and my uncovering of what I need. I can tell that you put time in to our sessions before and after which means a lot. Also!!! You always have action items. Sometimes I’m not ready but they are there when I am! So, it’s not just feel good but it’s also practical, which I think is key."


In present day... Cara had a big realization—the goals she was chasing weren’t even hers! She’d been absorbing the message that she needed to keep doing more, even though she had already accomplished so much!

Through our time together, she recognized she was putting unnecessary pressure on herself, and her 'desired outcome' wasn’t really what she wanted after all!

This breakthrough gave her the freedom to pursue what truly matters to her—traveling and nurturing her relationships with family and friends.

So, let me ask you again:

What do you really want to accomplish this month?

What would be different for you?

Would it mean more meaningful time with your family?

A deeper sense of self?

Pride in something you’ve created that makes a real difference in others' lives?

What could your "where are they now" blurb be?

"Goalbusters: No More Ghosting Your Dreams!"

As a reminder, here’s what’s included:

  • Two 1:1 Coaching Sessions Let's meet bi-weekly to get on track and have some implementation time. We’ll tackle what feels like your biggest challenges and create clear next steps.
    (60 minutes each, biweekly in October)

  • Follow-Up Notes
    You won't be wondering, "Wait, what was amazing breakthrough I had?" because it will all be in the notes! After each session, key takeaways and next steps will be emailed to you for your reference. They're also great for noticing progress after your last session.

  • Voxer (or Email) Accountability Support
    Change can be hard but also so exciting when you start to make progress! This is why you have unlimited access to me through October to trouble shoot as well as celebrate the successes! I'm just a voxer or email away!

  • Bonus! When I take a first step, I want to get started right away! If you can relate, you'll love this bonus 30-minute strategy session! Use it before your first session to build momentum or after your last session to plan next steps. The choice is yours!

Investment: $300 (Value: $690)

Count down to 2024-09-28T05:59:00.000Z

To your continued happiness,


Does this sound perfect for your friend?

Feel free to forward this email.

PS- Tomorrow, I'll send the last email for this offer. If this isn’t the right time for you, feel free to opt out by clicking here. You’ll still receive the regular Tuesday newsletters!

As a performance and personal development coach, I help professionals and individuals who are motivated but muddled bridge the gap between intention and action, creating lasting change tailored to their unique goals and pace.

Jenine Camins

2443 S University Boulevard, Suite #154, Denver, CO 80210-5407
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UQ Mindfulness Life Coaching

Ready to take your career or personal development to the next stage? Change is inevitable, but it doesn't have to be daunting. For those seeking to become the best version of themselves, I offer guidance and support. Join my weekly newsletter, "Beyond the Block," to explore strategies for navigating change and achieving greater fulfillment and confidence.

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