What questions are you not asking?

Reader, do you find yourself stuck in a loop, asking the same big questions over and over?

Questions like:

  • 😩 Why do I feel like I’m not making any progress?
  • 🤯 Why do I feel so overwhelmed, even though I’ve tried everything?
  • 😔 Why do I still feel like I’m not good enough, even when I’m working hard?
  • 🤔 Why do I always second-guess myself?
  • 🙂 What am I supposed to be doing with my life right now?

Sometimes we work so hard to find a solution—to have everything neatly tied up with a bow—that we’re not asking the right questions.

So, what questions are you not asking?

  • What if the problem you’re trying to solve isn’t the real problem?
  • What would happen if you gave yourself permission to question what you’ve always assumed? (In mindfulness this is called a "Beginner's Mind")
  • How often do you dismiss possibilities before even trying?
  • How could asking a different question create more meaningful change?

That’s where coaching can help.

It’s hard to see beyond your own perspective—like trying to read the label when you’re inside the bottle.

Curious about what could shift in your thinking?

Schedule a free 30-minute Mindset Barrier Assessment and discover how expanding the questions you ask yourself could open new doors.

I'll guide you through some questions to help uncover hidden mental blocks or patterns you may not even realize are holding you back. If you'd like we can discuss how coaching can help.

By the way, thank you so much for the amazing response to my recent Goalbusters offer! I’m really excited and honored to support you this month as you start building momentum.

If you have any questions or need further support, I’m just an email away.

Stay curious,

PS- Know a friend who’s feeling stuck or overwhelmed? If you think this could help them move forward with their goals, feel free to forward this email. Sometimes, a little extra support is all it takes to make a big shift!

For Your Reading List

In A More Beautiful Question, Warren Berger celebrates the importance of questioning and curiosity.

He explores how the right questions can unlock new possibilities and lead to breakthroughs we never imagined.

Jenine Camins is a certified performance and personal development coach who helps you bridge the gap between intention and action.

By offering guidance tailored to your unique strengths and pace, you'll create lasting change and finally see progress where it matters most—on your terms.

Ways We Can Work Together

Life Coaching Packages

From Frustration to Flow: Learn to Meditate Course

Custom Meditations

2443 S University Boulevard, Suite #154, Denver, CO 80210-5407
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UQ Mindfulness Life Coaching

Ready to take your career or personal development to the next stage? Change is inevitable, but it doesn't have to be daunting. For those seeking to become the best version of themselves, I offer guidance and support. Join my weekly newsletter, "Beyond the Block," to explore strategies for navigating change and achieving greater fulfillment and confidence.

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