Let's Find Your Missing Piece 🧩


Hi Reader,

A jigsaw puzzle is the perfect metaphor for life!

When the pieces fit together it reveals a clear picture.

Sometimes, you know what the image will be, but a piece is missing. 😩

Other times, you're staring at a pile of random pieces, unsure of what you're even working towards. 🀯

In life, seeing the whole picture can be challenging, even when you have a sense of what you want.

So, what can we do?


Fear of failure, judgement, and a lack of self-awareness can all prevent us from making progress.

😱 Overcoming Fear

What if you don't get the job, relationship, place on the team?

The game of "What if" is often a losing one.

Rarely, do we ask ourselves, "What if it exceeded my expectations and was a thriving success?"

🎑 Carving Your Own Path

So often, I would keep myself on the "I Don't Know Merry Go Round".

Should I or shouldn't I?

Does doing _(fill in the blank)___ make sense?

Even though I knew the answers, I convinced myself I was uncertain.

I was waiting for the approval and understanding of others before I took action.

🎧 Building Self-Awareness

It can be a challenge to block out the messaging from society, social media, and even our family labels and patterns to tune into ourselves and what we think and want.

If you're at a crossroads- either in what step to take next or figuring out who you are, do some investigating.


What is the missing piece preventing you from taking action right now?

To your continued success and happiness,



Curious about what your current action style is?

Take my quiz, "Are You A Doer, A Dreamer, or a Dawdler?"

It's a quick way to gain some valuable insight into where you are, where you want to go- and if you have a plan for getting there.


Jenine Camins is a certified performance and personal development coach who guides growth driven individuals to find or reconnect with their hidden potential.

Ways We Can Work Together


Life Coaching Packages




From Frustration to Flow: Learn to Meditate Course



Custom Meditations




2443 S University Boulevard, Suite #154, Denver, CO 80210-5407
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UQ Mindfulness Life Coaching

Ready to take your career or personal development to the next stage? Change is inevitable, but it doesn't have to be daunting. For those seeking to become the best version of themselves, I offer guidance and support. Join my weekly newsletter, "Beyond the Block," to explore strategies for navigating change and achieving greater fulfillment and confidence.

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