Who's haunting your process? 🧟‍♀️ Meet your action avatar

Reader, have you ever noticed how in horror movies, no matter how fast the character runs, the threat always seems to catch up!

This is because the "bad guy" is relentless, steadily putting one foot in front of the other, focused on their goal: the victim.

This October, it’s time to channel your inner Freddy Krueger and slash through those limiting beliefs, taking steady steps toward your goals!

Here are the stories of some past clients, the Haunted Heroes of UQ Mindfulness, and how they overcame their own "action horror stories."

Which one can you relate to?

The Idea Zombie

You're alive with ideas, always consuming the latest from thought leaders, podcasts, and books. But instead of turning that knowledge into action, you’re stuck in the endless loop of consumption.

Like a zombie wandering through a graveyard of ideas, you crave growth but find yourself unable to take the leap.

Transformation Story: Meet Karen who was once an Idea Zombie.

She always felt that she needed one more course or workshop in order to feel ready to start presenting offers for working with clients.

With my help, she started implementing all of the great strategies she had been collecting, began trusting herself and her experience and finally opened her virtual doors for business!

The Phantom Entrepreneur 👻

You're full of big goals for your business, but like a phantom, you often find yourself disappearing when it’s time to implement those creative ideas.

Accountability slips through your fingers, and staying motivated feels like chasing shadows. You have the vision, but struggle to make it reality.

Transformation Story: Tom, used to feel like a Phantom Entrepreneur.

With his creative spirit, he had no difficulty thinking of ideas, but implementing them was the challenge.

This only added to his story of negative self-talk that he didn't follow through on his goals.

Through structured support, action-focused sessions, and weekly accountability check-ins, he found the recipe for success that worked for him.

He went from ghosting his goals with overwhelm and a lack of focus to consistently taking action, adding in techniques to support his work habits and treating himself with more compassion.

The Disappearing Dame 🦇

Description: You’re living a life full of blessings, but sometimes it feels like you’ve disappeared. Between your roles for others, you’ve lost sight of your own dreams, passions, and identity—like a mysterious dame who’s become invisible to herself.

Transformation Story: Diane felt like a Disappearing Dame, overwhelmed by her responsibilities.

She had spent so many years sandwiched between caring for her kids and her parents that she lost sight of her own identity.

The last time she looked for a job it was a stepping stone for her career. In her current stage, she was no longer an aspiring corporate super woman but she also needed more fulfillment than her current routine.

Through coaching, she created the space to direct time to her own identity and gave herself permission to not have all of the answers.

By incorporating a sense of playfulness into her self-discovery journey, Diane not only became happier but also found an area she was passionate about.

With the pressure off, she began pursuing opportunities to learn more and explore new possibilities.

Don’t let these characters haunt your progress any longer!

Did you know that this week marked 100 days until the New Year!

The Goalbusters Coaching Package offers everything you need to set a goal, make progress, and plan for any obstacles that arise!

Here’s what’s included:

  • Two 1:1 Coaching Sessions Together we will fine-tune your vision, tackle those pesky obstacles, and create clear action steps, so when you're stuck or need a boost, you'll know exactly what to do next.
    (60 minutes each, biweekly in October)

  • Follow-Up Notes​ Do you find yourself trying to recall key takeaways and next steps? I've got you covered! Notes from our session are cumulative and delivered to your inbox, so you can see your progress and any important revelations from our time together!

  • Voxer (or Email) Accountability Support
    For the entire month of October, you have unlimited access to me through Voxer and email! Hit a wall? We can message back and forth between sessions to keep you motivated and feeling supported. Prefer more spaced-out updates? You let me know what you need, and I'll make sure you get it!

  • Bonus! Jumpstart your momentum with a 30-minute strategy session. You'll be ready to hit the ground running from day one or use it in November to plan your next steps!

Count down to 2024-09-28T05:59:00.000Z

To your continued success,


PS- Even if this isn't the right time for you, the suspense is killing me! Which "haunted hero" do you relate to and what has it stopped you from doing?

PS- Have an "Idea Zombie" friend who this would be perfect for? Please share this with them!

👉 Over the next two days, I’ll share more details. If this isn’t the right time for you, feel free to opt out by clicking here. You’ll still receive the regular Tuesday newsletters!

Real Result from Real People

Jenine brings a refreshing and realistic perspective to navigating the challenges of being a small business owner. As an over-achiever and recovering perfectionist, I often feel overwhelmed by the pressure to do it all.

Jenine helps me step back, acknowledge my accomplishments, and see setbacks for what they are—temporary. Her guidance keeps me grounded and focused on my bigger vision, reminding me to take imperfect action without losing sight of my goals.

If you’re feeling stuck or need a mindset shift, Jenine is the person who can get you back on track.


Jenine Camins is a certified performance and personal development coach who guides growth driven individuals to find or reconnect with their hidden potential.

2443 S University Boulevard, Suite #154, Denver, CO 80210-5407
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UQ Mindfulness Life Coaching

Ready to take your career or personal development to the next stage? Change is inevitable, but it doesn't have to be daunting. For those seeking to become the best version of themselves, I offer guidance and support. Join my weekly newsletter, "Beyond the Block," to explore strategies for navigating change and achieving greater fulfillment and confidence.

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