
UQ Mindfulness Life Coaching

Ready to take your career or personal development to the next stage? Change is inevitable, but it doesn't have to be daunting. For those seeking to become the best version of themselves, I offer guidance and support. Join my weekly newsletter, "Beyond the Block," to explore strategies for navigating change and achieving greater fulfillment and confidence.

lightbulb with the text what questions are you not asking
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What questions are you not asking?

Reader, do you find yourself stuck in a loop, asking the same big questions over and over? Questions like: 😩 Why do I feel like I’m not making any progress? 🤯 Why do I feel so overwhelmed, even though I’ve tried everything? 😔 Why do I still feel like I’m not good enough, even when I’m working hard? 🤔 Why do I always second-guess myself? 🙂 What am I supposed to be doing with my life right now? Sometimes we work so hard to find a solution—to have everything neatly tied up with a bow—that we’re...

Goalbusters title and questions clients may have

Reader, today is the final day to take advantage of the October Goalbusters offer including the bonus 30 minute head start session! Who you gonna call? (Hint: Me!) You're a last minute person, I can be too... In fact, last week I was presented with an offer that kept worming around in my mind. On the last day, she answered a question that I didn't realize was keeping me from moving forward, and I was ready to commit! If you still have some lingering questions, here are a few answers to help...

Reader, we often stop ourselves from taking action, because why would this time be different? What if it doesn't work? Well, what if it does? Maybe you've had a coach before and it didn't live up to your expectations. Or, you've heard everyone talking about coaching for the past eight years, but still don't really know what goes on in a coaching session and feel like it's too late to ask. Here are few testimonials that share a power trifecta of coaching with me; a safe non-judgmental space,...

woman dressed as ghost buster

Reader, have you ever noticed how in horror movies, no matter how fast the character runs, the threat always seems to catch up! This is because the "bad guy" is relentless, steadily putting one foot in front of the other, focused on their goal: the victim. This October, it’s time to channel your inner Freddy Krueger and slash through those limiting beliefs, taking steady steps toward your goals! Here are the stories of some past clients, the Haunted Heroes of UQ Mindfulness, and how they...

woman in middle of red circle with line across. Words "I ain't afraid of no goals!"

Reader, if you could accomplish one thing by the end of October, what would it be? Start selling your custom pet accessories on Etsy—who doesn't smile at a chihuahua in a muscle tee? Craft a compelling resume and develop a strategic networking plan to secure an interview combining your two passions, marketing and women-owned companies. Ditch the snooze button and become the sunrise runner you’ve always envied. Enroll in that Human Design certification program—because as a Manifesting...

Hello I am name labels: perfectionist, empath, helper, achiever

Hi Reader, Finish this sentence: I'm the kind of person who _____. Now, 🤔 was your answer a positive quality or one that you have considered a hinderance? Labels can be helpful, until they're not. They help us feel understood and are an easy way of identifying and relating to others ("I'm an introvert too!"). But, they can also act as excuses for our "short comings" ("I'm always late."). Whether these labels have been with you since childhood, or have evolved over time, the key question is:...

Puzzle pieces that say, "Action Brings Clarity".

Hi Reader, A jigsaw puzzle is the perfect metaphor for life! When the pieces fit together it reveals a clear picture. Sometimes, you know what the image will be, but a piece is missing. 😩 Other times, you're staring at a pile of random pieces, unsure of what you're even working towards. 🤯 In life, seeing the whole picture can be challenging, even when you have a sense of what you want. So, what can we do? Fear of failure, judgement, and a lack of self-awareness can all prevent us from making...

An image of a comedian talking about mindfulness

Hi Reader, Have you seen this comedian talking about mindfulness? 🤣 Was there a time that mindfulness came easier to you? When you were able to "just be" without feeling distracted or needing to be entertained? When you waited. Watched the condensation. You felt what you were feeling. In current times, with cellphones and fast paced schedules, many people find it hard to be with their thoughts. In fact, observing how active our minds are can be uncomfortable. How are you feeling about your...

Last Chance: Labor Day Sale Ends Tonight

Hi Reader, Maybe your bathing suit is still be wet and you can still taste the flavors of your Labor Day BBQ- The future being a distant thought. But the future, is one wake up away! Tomorrow can be the beginning of a fresh approach to what's ahead. The power of a plan can keep you moving forward, rather than feeling stagnant. Let this be the start of an exciting new stage for you! Use the 3 Month ⭐️ Momentum Builder to do the inner work and take action towards change! Buy Now These sessions...

Taking action builds momentum

Hi Reader, Do you know what builds momentum? Taking Action! Let Fall be the start of a new and exciting stage for you! The Momentum Builder package offers three personalized coaching sessions designed to help you start taking action toward the goals you've been thinking about but have been putting off. Is there something that you've been drawn to working towards or changing, but somehow always find an excuse why now isn't the right time? You're not alone, but recognize that change takes time...